
  • Doug Buckley Vicki Buckley Fred Clark
  • 60分钟
  • An entire year of investigation, multiple law enfo…An entire year of investigation, multiple law enforcement agencies, hundreds of police reports, months of undercover surveillance, thousands of man hours, numerous polygraph tests, a string of mysterious fires, a series of unexplained explosions, life threatening injuries, and one family's worst fears realized. Witness the journey unfold as investigators reopen the most documented paranormal case in U.S. history, in an attempt to solve a mystery spanning four decades.


  • 怀旧剧场BD
  • 星元·国剧BD
  • 山西卫视BD
  • CCTV-娱乐BD
  • 海峡卫视BD
  • 高清NBAHD
  • 高清NBA正片
  • 篮球频道HD


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