Die Welt ist ein Haus und es gibt Regeln in diesem Haus

  • 动画
  • 13分钟
  • Felix Leffrank deals with the ups and downs of an …Felix Leffrank deals with the ups and downs of an artist’s life in colourful, computer-animated images. During his ordeal between depression, writer’s block, anger and urban loneliness, a story-teller is accompanied by three weird birds who sometimes appear as annoying neighbours, sometimes as inner demons. Jung, Freud and the psychologist Dr. Breuer in the shape of a grey cat promote self-reflection, but the most helpful thing is probably a beer with friends.


  • 陕西卫视HD
  • 黑龙江卫视已完结
  • 安徽卫视枪版
  • 三沙卫视HD
  • 河南卫视HD
  • CCTV-F法语已完结
  • 风云足球HD
  • 甘肃卫视HD

Die Welt ist ein Haus und es gibt Regeln in diesem Haus评论

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