
  • 动画
  • 安部萌 平山犬 永野百合子
  • 17分钟
  • A pig, a fish, and a tadpole living inside a giant…A pig, a fish, and a tadpole living inside a giant fish. This seemingly outlandish setting is created by Moe Wakabayashi, who garnered attention for her work on music videos and CD cover art while at university. While enrolled in the Department of Animation at the Graduate School of Film and New Media, Tokyo University of the Arts, she was chosen as one of the 100 Filmmakers in 2020, which is a project to select the year’s leading filmmakers and archive their works. Three different species cohabit in the enclosed space of a fish’s belly, criticizing and accepting their differences, which can be interpreted as a microcosm of human society as it is. With its ironic story and pop-retro character design, this exquisite animation had its world premiere at the Nippon Connection in Frankfurt, Germany, in May 2022. 豚のとん吉は、魚の腹の中で、さかな子に出会い、二人はおたまじゃくしの坊やを授かる。家族は穏やかに暮らしているが、ある日、漂着した果実をとん吉と坊やが口にすることで、彼らの暮らしは一変する。


  • 陕西卫视HD
  • 黑龙江卫视已完结
  • 安徽卫视枪版
  • 三沙卫视HD
  • 河南卫视HD
  • CCTV-F法语已完结
  • 风云足球HD
  • 甘肃卫视HD



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