
  • 历史
  • 每集 45分钟
  • In the late 1940s, groups of Chinese immigrants la…In the late 1940s, groups of Chinese immigrants land in Malacca in search of a better life. Through years of hardship and struggle, the y continue to help each other in the community. Eventually, a group of Chinese immigrants manages to make a name for themselves as the legendary Shan Hai Clan, which slowly becomes a prominent Chinese group. The series revolves around Cheng Hui, a retired leader of the Shan Hai Clan, who returns to lead the “brothers” as it comes under attack from rival gangs. Throughout his journey, danger abounds and old rivalries and feuds resurface. Liu Xiongwei, the second head of the Shan Hai Clan is murdered, and en route to investigate his murder, a series of power plays are portrayed through political and geographical war. The second and third generation of Shan Hai Clan members start to step up, as they plough forward carrying lingering issues left over by the first generation. Under the manipulation of the coloniser, the Shan Hai Clan faces difficulties, one after another. Will this group of Chinese immigrants overcome these problems and hold their place? 上世纪40年代末,沿着马六甲河岸的一带,聚集了许多来此谋生的华人族群,他们在岁月磨难中,同乡互助,顽强拼搏,在立稳脚跟后,一个富有传奇色彩的堂口帮会“山海帮”渐渐成为当地华人的发展中心。 故事围绕“山海帮”龙头老大程恢的江湖历险、情仇恩怨展开,本已退隐的他,在“山海帮”遭遇其他帮会挑战时,回到星洲重整帮会。二当家刘雄武被谋杀,背后牵连一系列夺权、地盘争夺、新人上位的阴谋……“山海帮”第二代逐渐崭露头角,带着上一代遗留的问题艰难前行;第三代年轻人也开始冒头。面对殖民者在背后操纵的一系列事件,“山海帮”和这些奉行江湖英雄的人,该何去何从……



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