
  • 剧情
  • 98分钟
  • Worship is premised on a hard reality of the poor …Worship is premised on a hard reality of the poor in Thailand: the only way for them to climb the economic ladder is not with hard work and financial prudence, but by winning the game of chance—lottery. Many of them thus stay devoted to their faith out of fervent hopes that the deities would reciprocate their devotion by endowing them with luck and prosperity. Their religious rituals serve as a much-needed anaesthetic against not only personal hardships, but also the turbulent waters of the country’s social and political turns. A hymn to the rich spiritual practice of Thai people, the documentary captures with a discerning sensibility the audiovisual feast of elaborate Buddhist rituals.


  • 河南卫视HD
  • 兵团卫视HD
  • 陕西卫视HD
  • 河北卫视HD
  • 高清NBAHD
  • 高清NBAHD中字
  • 黑龙江卫视更新至第12集
  • 黑龙江卫视更新至第06期



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