详细介绍:主演Timothy的Tanner Cohen除了演戏之外, 还是一支名为The guts的乐队的主唱, 在《Out》杂志采访时出柜.附OUT对他的采访 Cohen, who wi…主演Timothy的Tanner Cohen除了演戏之外, 还是一支名为The guts的乐队的主唱, 在《Out》杂志采访时出柜.附OUT对他的采访 Cohen, who will graduate from the University of California, Los Angeles, next spring with a degree in cultural studies, is equally issue-free. “I’ll have plenty of time to put labels on myself as I get older, so why start now? For the time being, I can tell you that I love someone, and he happens to be a man.”(我可以告诉你我爱着某人,并且他刚好是个男人)详情