上映2023年04月22日在西藏卫视(藏语) 等电台敬请关注!

?嬭嬭,ái niān niān。?,客家话即我,我叫母亲嬭嬭。
之前我妄以为母亲信仰的民间佛教,是混沌的没有系统的,有迷信、有攀比、有传袭,甚至有点简单实用主义的愚昧。但是母亲吃斋念佛,这种寄托和信念她常年坚守。辛丑岁四月半,月全食那晚起,我们兄弟仨守在母亲身边,也是母亲生育我们的房间,发动亲人轮流助念,三天三夜,没有惊慌失措。尽终之前,近其耳边平静吩咐,即便种种异相现前,业障了结之后,母亲的体温,从脚底至膝至腹至手至颊至额,缓缓冷却,最后我轻轻抚摸她头顶,百会暖和。这个原先只是从文字所获的认知,亲眼目睹之后,我战战兢兢相信在母亲身上得到印证,亦悲... (展开全部) 影片简介:
?嬭嬭,ái niān niān。?,客家话即我,我叫母亲嬭嬭。
Ainiannian,“Ai”means “My”in Hakka dialect,and I call my mother“Niannian” in Hakka dialect.
This is a private image in memory of my mother,and also a hodgepodge of Hakka rural customs in western Fujian: The deep-fired rice cakes ,The Guanshe Kueh,The scripture of Wugong,The scripture of Luozu, Wearing one’s hair in a buddhist bun, The Dizang fast, The Tiansheng incense、The meal for the bodhisattvas,Reciting the scripture of Yuhuang,
Redeem a vow to god,Selecting a date with the help of spirit-medium,The Lake of Blood ritual,The Zhongyuan Festival,Lighting the Zhutian incense,The ritual to transform the dead to ancestor.
Before, I always thought that my mother's faith in folk Buddhism was chaotic and unsystematic; there was superstition, vanity,inheritance, and even a bit of simple pragmatic foolishness in it. But my mother just kept fasting and reciting the sutra,she held on to this trust and faith all year round.On the night of the total lunar eclipse in April 15 in Chinese lunar calendar, we three brothers stayed by our mother's side, where she had given birth to us. We recite the Buddha's name for three days and three nights without fear and panic. At noon three days later ,when mother was approaching her end, I touch her gently, and I found that the top of her head was warm. After seeing it with my own eyes, I trembled to realized that what I had only known from words had been confirmed in my mother and I felt both sad and relieved.
After my mother passed away,I began to compile the video materials about her, and each time I could not hide my reluctance, could not help but shed tears of grief, and my mourning always interrupted the editing. Had it not been for the urging and persistence of Mr. Wu Wenguang, I know I would still not have been able to finish this rough image.…